In the early 2000's two guys met in battle in a popular game called Rogue Spear. This was a First Person Shooter (FPS) game where you could battle against another team on different maps, both teams being up to 8 players.
The game was quite forgiving regarding latency and ping, so you could often team up with or play against player half way around the world in those days. This resulted in two players calling themselves Biff and Revill met quite often in the game and played together a lot. They were both quite new to the game and met a mix of other players soon realizing that many of them were in clans and had similar tags in front of their names. This got these to men thinking about forming their own clan, and starting to think of a cool name and recognizable tag.
Biff was quite eager about the clan idea, and scrambled his brain to come up with a cool clan name and tag. Since tags where limited to text, he thought it had to be easy to understand and recognizable, and sat at his computer testing different ideas - actually in notepad since it was just text.
Since the game also tolerated other caracters besides plain letters, he thought of graphics-like aswell and finally came up with the easy to understand symbol (8) for Eightball. Revill liked the idea and the clan at last had a name and tag: (8)Eightball
What started with two members quite quickly grew as Revill and Biff invited other players they met during online games, playing hard and impressive and that didn't have a tag in front of their name. Since the game was that lag-forgiving the clan soon had members from both sides of the Atlantic ocean. There were sweedes, fins, dutch, english and even american players in the clan quite quickly, meeting up almost every evening playing games together and starting to know eachother better and better. The games got even more fun this way.
This site is not yet complete, stay tuned for updates.
||***||(8)BiFF |Cmndr|
As one of the founders of the clan, Biff honours the clan every time he plays online, using a similar logo on his profile, but only with the B instead of the 8.